Selecting the right wood trim for your home can enhance its overall style and is a matter of personal preference. Whether it’s for indoor or outdoor purposes, choosing trims that are aesthetically pleasing involves a couple of considerations, since different types of wood come with different characteristics.


It’s important to recognize the difference between interior and exterior wood trimmings. Exterior wood trimmings must be protected from the elements; wear and tear are a result of all types of weather, especially heat and rain; not to mention damage from insects.
The best wood trims for exterior use include redwood and white oak. Redwood is popular because it has a natural resistance to spoilage and decay. White oak is also great as an exterior trim. It shouldn’t be confused with red oak, which is best suited for interior trimming since it is more vulnerable to water.


Deciding which wood trim is best for your home is also a matter of cost. Some exterior trims, such as western red cedar, average close to $4.45 per board foot, while southern yellow pine averages lower at $3.40. Nevertheless, the cost per board foot also depends on its thickness.
Not all wood trims are created equal, but they are each meant to add an excellent touch of style to your home. Many options are available for the perfect trim or molding to enhance your home based on your budget and style preferences. For more information about choosing the right wood trim for your home, call Paris Building Supply at 731-642-0223.